As we wrapped up this year, we reflected on the progress made towards promoting inclusivity, safety, diversity and social justice, December is always a month for various International observances such as the conclusion of the 16 Days of Activism, World AIDS Day, International Human Rights Day, and as we closed the year, the festive season is a reminder on the safety and security as paramount for our womxn especially during this time, they get to reunite with their families, some of whom are their perpetrators due to their unique diversities; let us fill you in on our December engagements and do not forget to keep up with our journal Link for the December journal Enjoy.

VIRTUAL BI MONTHLY WELLNESS; Mindfulness as a tool to recognize violence; 16 Days of Activism

One of our thematic areas is Freedom from violence where we seek to equip womxn with the tools, knowledge to recognize and report violence in all its forms. Violence and mental wellbeing are deeply interconnected. Exposure to violence can have a severe and a long-lasting effect on the mental health, and while mental health issues can also increase the risk of experiencing or perpetuating violence. Depression, trauma, anxiety, fear, substance abuse and social isolation are some of the impact violence has on mental wellbeing. In commemoration of the 16 days of activism, we availed a virtual safe space to have a conversation on how mindfulness can be used as a tool of recognizing violence, especially in the context that criminalizing and has lured womxn hence experiencing Intimate Partner violence among other forms of violence.


We continue to build the womxn movement through strengthening Activist Leadership through our Directors’ Forums which have been platforms for womxn leaders to exercise their serenity and a space for leadership reflections. This Directors’ Forum sought to offer space to share updates on the recent development of FARUG’s participation in the womxn pre ILGA conference and also its participation in other decision-making spaces such as the 15th AWID Forum, The Beijing Platform of Action.


As part of sharing learnings, It was an honor to share some key learnings with the womxn community members to get acquitted with such opportunities. The international 15th AWID Forum’s space entailed a hybrid participation, availing space that brought together different stakeholders that include; policymakers, service providers, different diverse of women, including persons living with disabilities, women who use drugs and the theme for this year’s Forum was; Rising Together, meaning movements rising together to meet the challenges affecting all women in a changing context.


Festive seasons are moments of family gatherings and merry, and as we embraced the festive season, we acknowledged the increased violence both physically and emotionally, hence the need to remind and raise more awareness on how womxn can continue keeping safe both online and physically during the festive season.

A big appreciation to our dear readers and thank you for joining us on this journey, From the family of FARUG, we wish you a Merry Season and Happy New 2025!




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