With much delight, we bid farewell to Healing April that consisted of lots of awareness and celebrations ranging from Sexual Assault awareness to Stress Awareness month, and the Lesbian visibility Week that concluded with the Lesbian Visibility Day. Here are some of the special highlights, in case you missed.

Oh, Yes! Celebrating the Lesbian Visibility Week

Lesbian visibility week is about recognizing and affirming our identities. A time and opportunity to celebrate the power of sisterhood, Share our contributions and achievements as we shade light to our unique experiences and challenges we still face as we forge way to foster inclusion and Equality




Lesbian Visibility Day.

Join in our conversation in case you missed on our Ba Queer Twogere, as we explore the daily lives, challenges of womxn as we celebrate our Day of visibility as Lesbians. Listen in to the full audio by clicking on this link Lesbian visibility day Podcast


International Asexuality Day

We celebrated Asexuality Day, a day that assures of the existence of the asexual individuals. The day reaffirms the existence even in an human beings and not defined by sexuality unfriendly phobia prevailing community. Let us provide an inclusive and supportive environment to coexist as.






Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness month reminds us to be kind and show compassion to victims of sexual assault, and offer help and support, Ba queer Twogere brings voices of womxn sharing how collectively they act against Sexual Assault, Listen in to the full audio Sexual Assault Awareness Month


Stress awareness Month; Healing April

Stress Awareness Month takes place annually and throughout the month of April. We sought, Β to bring attention to the causes, impacts and coping ways in addressing stress, it was during this period that we also had an opportunity to acknowledge the need to understand the invisible factors influencing stress, in reflection to our wellness journal, it is Healing April, thus a virtual safe space for womxn members but also an opportunity for them to interact with the organization counsellor.



Our virtual safe spaces continue and following the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court, we sought it important to hold a virtual safe space to update our womxn community on the affairs with the repealing of the Law. It is crucial that they get to know what part of the law has been and not nullified and how to maneuver through this crisis going far forward.

Mindfullness May

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