Celebrating the power of love under the theme; “Our bodies, our lives, our rights.”

Women of Faith in Action together with Faithful Catholic Souls on this day launched the draft Research on religion and human Sexuality, the annual LGBTIQ+ faith movement in Uganda. WOFA and FCS seek to empower, motivate and restore marginalized women who have faced stigma and discrimination due to their Sexuality within their religious realms.

……there are many of God’s LGBTIQ+ children that I have talked out of suicidal thoughts simply because societies have taught them that God hates LGBTIQ+ persons….” Bishop Ssenyonjo


                                                                                                                        “……discrimination is not a religious value, there is little dispute that LGBTIQ+ are in need of support but many  of these efforts are inappropriate for those who both identify as religious and experience same sex attractions…..”Allan N.




……“Even though we are faithful Catholic souls, we are religious inclusive to all religions….” Ssenfuka W.B



Celebrating the power of love under the theme;” Our bodies,Our lives, Our rights” on this day serves as a reminder that everyone has a right to make decisions about their bodies and the ongoing violence that our LGBTIQ+ communities face. The struggle for equality and fight against homophobia still continues.
Pride@10 as we welcome PRIDE month, the LGBTIQ+ community were honored to have Bishop Ssenyonjo Christopher grace the day.


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